这是因为我们延长了处理的时间,导致咖啡的水果风味更加强烈。”Sillvia”这个名称的”sill”部分引用自我们农场的所在地——Silla Del Pando(巴拿马火山区的西利亚德尔潘多火山综合体),”via”的意思是渠道或者方法。
产地 九十+巴拿马瑰夏庄园
海拔 1250m-1650m
品种 埃塞俄比亚的传家宝瑰夏原生种
处理方式 Solkiln 密处理。经过在SK房屋里控制湿度延长干燥时间并把口味浓缩却保持水洗一般的干净。
风味特征 入口有明显的果汁口感,富有强烈的热带水果味道,也有凤梨酥饼的味道,回味持久。
Sillvia Solkiln N2 L95
Sillvia originated from the result of the very first Solkiln session in 2012 utilizing coffee from Estate 11. All of the coffee from this estate was dried concurrently to produce one 25kg profile. In 2013, we learned that our gesha cherries harvested later in the season absorbed a bit more fruit during the Solkiln session. We lengthened the drying time which added more fruit intensity. The name Sillvia combines a reference to our farm location at Silla Del Pando, Volcan, Panama and the word “via” meaning “by means of.”
Origin: Ninety Plus Panama Gesha Estate
Elevation: 1250m-1650m
Varietal: Ethiopian Heirloom Gesha
Processing: Honey
Taste Profile
Orange peel, gesha, floral, caramel, dried cashew fruit