作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡用品 > 单品咖啡冲煮器具 > 2025-03-27 11:32:52
Kalita Wave Brewing:Intensive Kalita波形滤杯冲泡:强化
WARNING:This is video is about coffee brewing theory andtechniques,not vsiual appeal or entertainment factor. 警告:这是关于咖啡酿造理论和技术,不受视的吸引力或娱乐因素影响。
如果你在煮咖啡准备无聊的说出你心中的复杂感兴趣。 我的意思是,甚至没有任何音乐。 严肃地
This brew was 40 grams of coffee. 552g(19.5oz)of water 207°F(92.2°C)initial brew water temp 3 min 35 seconds total brew time Kalita Wave Pot pouring kettle
水初始冲泡水温度 3分35秒总冲泡时间 卡莉塔 波浪 滤杯
Initial off-gassing(bloom) Hot water sublimates carbon-dioxide 初始释放气体(开花) 热水升华成二氧化碳
Evenly added water (double the coffee weight) pausing until initial “bloom"stops growing 均匀增加水(双倍咖啡重量) 暂停直到最初的“开花”停止增长
Gas will continue to be expelled for up to 2 minutes if gas is pushing out,water isnt getting in efficiently 气将继续被排出长达2分钟 如果气体被推了出来,水就不能有效地得到了
This is the “wetting phase”of coffee brewing Where hot water is entering the coffee partrcles. 这是“润湿阶段”的咖啡冲泡 热水进入咖啡颗粒的地方。
The objectvie is degassing and fully-wetting each particle in order for next phase to begin: extraction. 其目的是排气和充分润湿每个颗粒 为了下一阶段开始;萃取
Extraction is the dissolution (dissolving)of solids into water and transport of those solids out of the coffee particles. 萃取法是固体的溶解度 和运输的固体的咖啡颗粒.
Water temperature affects how aggressive a solvent it is. and rate at which certain solutes will dissolve in thewater. 水温度会影响溶剂的侵袭性
How the water fiows throgh the coffee bed is important. Even is always better. 水是怎样通过咖啡的床是很重要的 甚至是更好。
If water flow through any part of the bed is too aggressive, the surface layers of those particles will extract faster. 如果水流通过床的任何一部分是太积极, 这些粒子的表面层将提取更快。
If water flow through the bed is too slow, your result may be too strong,possibly requiring dilution. 如果水流过床太慢, 你的结果可能太强,可能需要稀释。
Pouring water is a necessary evil,and needs management. Pouring introduces extra agitation,but only where you pour. 浇水是一种必要的邪恶,需要管理。 浇注引入了额外的搅拌,但只有在你的地方。
You can pour along the rippled edge to re-integrate.some of the ”high and dry“grounds back into the bed. 你可以倒在波浪滤杯边重新整合。一些“高和干”的理由回到床上。
Effective pouring requires an intentional balance between pouring quickly and pouring gently. 有效浇注需要一个有意向的平衡轻轻地浇注.
Using the water bed to dissipate the energy from pouring as shown can help manage pouring-related agitation. 利用水床从浇注中消耗能量,可以帮助管理浇注相关的搅拌。
Coffee bed geometry will determine evenness potential,but tuchnique will either maximize or undermine that potential. 咖啡床的几何形状将确定均匀度,但技术可以最大化或破坏的潜力。
Continuous-flow brew methode like pour over or drip. exhibit even brew dynamics from beginning to end. 连续流动的酿造方法像倒入或滴。 展出甚至冲泡动态从开始到结束。
Most “full-immersion”metods are less balanced , with hight bed agitation at the end of the brew time. 最“全浸”方法是不平衡的, 高床搅拌在冲泡时间结束。
Ouick gentle pouring allows the magority of the brewtime. to be a gentle flow of water through the bed by gravity . 快速温和浇注允许BREW的时间多。 是一种轻柔的水通过重力流。
The third phase of brewing is “hydrolysis”, and requires sufficient time and sufficient temperature. 第三个阶段的酿造是“水解”, 并需要足够的时间和足够的温度。
Hemi-cellulose is hydrolyzed into its components: compounds called “reducing sugars.” 半纤维素水解成其组成: 化合物称为“还原糖”。
Grind size determines the distance sulubles must travel from the center ofof particles,out into solution, 磨矿粒度决定了距离sulubles必须旅行 从中心、颗粒进入溶液,
and how much surface area is exposed, Surface area increases exponentially compared to diameter. 以及多少表面积被暴露, 比直径的表面积成倍增加。
So to minimize overextraction of particle outer layers, coarser grind deeper bed often yields better results. 所以为了减少粒子的外层部分,较粗的研磨更深的床往往会产生更好的结果。
The rate of flow through the coffee bed is determined by bed depth,grind size,and grind profile. 通过咖啡床的流速是由床层深度,研磨尺寸,研磨轮廓。
A grind profile with too many finest(over 20% <700um) will result bitter,over-extracted flavors and slower flow. 有太多优秀的磨剖面(20%<700um) 结果会导致过苦,过多的口味和更慢的流动。 |
2016-05-07 16:13:00 责任编辑:未知
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