作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡用品 > 咖啡机 > 2024-12-22 14:49:05
品牌: Pullman
毛重: 482g
颜色分类: 天蓝色
配件类型: 咖啡压粉器
pullman tamper Barist系列
澳大利亚pullman tamper,不用多介绍该品牌的血统,每位Barist都耳熟能详的粉锤品牌。
每款Pullman tamper配备3个手柄环,可根据Barist的压粉舒适度调节手柄的高度。
pullman tamper 官方介绍
Baristi and home enthusiasts throughout the world have chosen the Pullman Tamper because it represents a premium quality piece of engineering expertise, inividually made to your unique requirements, and designed and produced by a coffee lover who knows what it has to do.
Every aspect of the design of Pullman Tampers is there to enhance performance, endurance, and aesthetic appeal; from the ergonomic handle, the dimensions and angles on the base, and the TrueTamp rings to assist in getting an even tamp. They're not just another production-line tamper either - each tamper is an individual work of art, measured, weighed and stamped with its own serial number - uniquely yours.
全世界咖啡师和家庭爱好者都喜欢选择pullman tamper,因为它代表着工程专业优质的产品,使您的独特需求得到呈现。他们都知道pullman设计和制作完美的产品。
2015-12-30 14:36:32 责任编辑:未知
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