coffee haus 全自动贩卖咖啡屋 终极咖啡体验

作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡馆经营 > 2025-03-21 23:50:59

coffee haus 全自动贩卖咖啡屋 终极咖啡体验

  coffee haus: yves behar designs the ultimate coffee experience for briggo

  austin startup briggo has partnered with yves behar’s fuseproject to develop a new, highly personalizable experience for coffee. the ‘coffee haus’ smart kiosk looks and smells like a coffeeshop, but is directly integrated with a smartphone app and web service that lets individuals build their own beverages to precise specifications. users can set the exact time they’d like to pick up their drink at the ‘coffee haus’– the system will in any case automatically send a text message when their order is up– eliminating lines and waiting. feedback and adjustments can be made via the app or website until one finds the perfect cup, which can then be obtained precisely from any ‘coffee haus’ anywhere in the world.

coffee haus 全自动贩卖咖啡屋 终极咖啡体验
coffee haus 全自动贩卖咖啡屋 终极咖啡体验
coffee haus 全自动贩卖咖啡屋 终极咖啡体验

2015-10-29 19:26:21 责任编辑:未知




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