作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡用品 > 咖啡烘培机 > 2025-03-04 11:54:28
Giesen W1 M / A Coffee Roaster
The Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster is the perfect solution for a small shop owner or a serious hobbyist, roasting coffee at home. This coffee roaster combines the high quality and extensive functionalities of the Giesen technology into a compact and easy to use machine.
Production capacity of the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster
The roasting capacity of the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster lies between 100 and 1500 gr. per batch. It is therefore also an ideal machine for roasteries to use in parallel to the standard production of large batches. Test roasting for example is very easy to perform with this small model. And when the correct settings are tested and approved, they can be applied to larger batches in the standard roasting process. The Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster is also very useful for the production of selective roasts in small batches of the more exclusive coffee beans. Obviously, a great advantage of roasting in small batches is the guaranteed freshness.
The appearance
The Giesen W1 Coffee roaster is very appealing to look at because of its traditional appearance. It owes its artisanal image mainly to the design and use of high quality materials like cast iron. This is the perfect material to retain and distribute the heat evenly over the coffee beans. Like all Giesen Coffee Roasters, it can also be customized in a different color. The standard version of the roaster is black, but you can choose any other RAL colour of your desire. This enables you to personalize your coffee roaster in a unique way. To match the colours of your company logo for example or even the interior of your shop.
Where to place the coffee roaster
Because of its compact size and artisanal appearance, the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster is a perfect model to put at display for customers to see visiting your roastery or coffee bar. With a weight of 150 kg this machine is solid and firm, equipped to roast your coffee beans perfectly. At the same time it is very easy to find a good place for the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster because of the modest dimensions of 1,25 x 0,4 x 0,93 meter.
Controlling the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster
With the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster you can influence the roasting process in multiple ways. You can set the temperature which subsequently will control the temperature of the beans and the air inside the roasting drum. When you prefer to control the roaster and settings (semi) automatically, you can choose to add the optional Roast Profile System. With this software it is possible to store and replay your favorite roast profiles and settings.
Roaster Capacity: 100 – 1800 gram
Amperage: 16A
Exhaust diameter: Just one exhaust pipe for roast and cool air Ø 100mm
Gas: Propane / Butane / Naturalgas
Electrical supply: 1 phase 230V / 50-60 HZ
Roaster Weight: 150 Kg
Internal cyclone
Roasting and cooling at the same time
Energy efficiency
Burner automatic
Very easy cleaning and maintenance
Destoner (option)
profile system included laptop (option)
Complete CE tested.
Completely built in the Netherlands
2015-10-27 17:54:20 责任编辑:未知
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