
作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 精品咖啡豆 > 尼加拉瓜咖啡豆 > 2025-03-26 21:52:59

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COE第11名竞标批次 尼加拉瓜咖啡 布宜诺艾莉斯庄园 马拉卡杜拉种 水洗处理法
COE #11 Nicaragua Dilpito Buenos Aires Maracaturra Washed
COE 国际评审风味节译:香瓜、焦糖、苹果、考杏仁、明亮、白茶、黑佳利、酒香、橙香尾韵、层次丰富及莱姆等风味,酸质为葡萄柚、绿葡萄及苹果酸。
什么是C.O.E? C.O.E.指(Cup Of Excellence) 国际咖啡杯测赛,C.O.E.评判是顶级咖啡比赛中最有公信力,能从严格的比赛中脱颖而出的佼佼者都是那个国家当年品质最棒的咖啡,在每次杯测中要持续保持高分才能名列前茅,最后才能冠上C.O.E.的得奖标示,而优胜庄园的咖啡豆会采取统一特定网络竞拍方式让全世界的买家能在公开透明的方式竞拍咖啡豆,这方式使优秀得奖的农场知名度快速蔓延,而比赛批次的咖啡也能得到更好的价格。
Maracaturra 品种介绍
Maracaturra 马拉卡杜拉 品种,或西班牙语称 Maracatúu,由象豆的 Maragogype 与 Caturra 接枝配种而来,颗粒大小与象豆相近,最大可长到22目;Maracaturra、Pacamara 还有象豆 Maragogype,是为“三大豆种”,豆目虽大,但如果发展熟成时间不够长,会变得毫无风味,因此在购买时,一定要杯测,并参考种植环境,如海拔高度,产区,及处理法等条件,才是较为客观的评断方式。
Dipilto位于新塞哥维亚省(Nueva Segovia),该产区的咖啡农归属感很强,一向都是尼加拉瓜咖啡的优质产区,该国水洗的马拉卡杜拉品种是该区引以为傲的品项。
以下是COE 的问答简介:
2017 Nicaragua - Buenos Aires 2017 - Luis Emilio ValladarezBack to Winning Farms
Buenos Aires 2017 - Luis Emilio Valladarez
Tell us the history of your farm?
The property Buenos Aires is the first property that I acquired there for the year 1957, is the matrix of the entire coffee company. The whole family is involved in their administration and work. I began to plant mainly the coffee varieties Caturra, Catuaí, Maracaturra, Maragogype and Villa Sarchí. Our farm is located just a few kilometers away from the Nicaraguan and Honduran border in the community o Aires, in the municipality of Dipilto, in the department of Nueva Segovia.
Family generations:
Luis Emilio Valladarez Zelaya, Olman Enoc Valladarez, Irela Valladarez, Luis Valladarez
What is your secret for which make to win the contest?
Having a good team ensures the quality of the product. The equipment I always count on is very diverse and distributed according to the needs to be covered, that is, from the farm with the guidance of technicians and people trained in farm management to our dry benefit with knowledgeable people in the Quality control we work in order to achieve and preserve the nature in our coffee.
How do you feel to be one of the winners?
Thanks to the work that we have done together our coffee has managed to reach and / or be up to where it is today and that gives me a lot of happiness and is a push for us to continue doing our work always well and always improving.
What will you invest in the earnings you get from the electronic auction?
The investment will be distributed: a part in social works of the community and the maintenance of farm and improvements in conditions for our collaborators.
Have you participated in the event previously? Was the winner results?
Yes it had participated before with the property El Suyatal in 2006 that was the first time that participates and thus the following years obtaining good places among them the first one in the year 2015.
What do you think about the cup of excellence?
Mug of Excellence is an event that has come to impel each producer to walk on the path of quality and thus also a means through which the cafes of our country have been able to promote themselves.



2018-10-25 11:34:02 责任编辑:未知




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