
作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 精品咖啡豆 > 瑰夏咖啡 > 2025-03-27 20:09:20

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  • 最优质和最原始的咖啡-Gesha Village瑰夏村咖啡庄园背景故事
    Gesha Village之旅始于2007年,当时Adam Overton先生和Rachel Samuel小姐正在为埃塞俄比亚政府制作关于埃塞俄比亚咖啡的纪录片。 在这工作中,他们首先介绍了gima博士,他们跟随导游经过了金马(djimman)附近的卡法(KAFA)咖啡森林。 Girma博士是一名咖啡研究人员,关于咖啡农业学和农场管理的研究。 在制作这部纪录片的过程中,Rachel Samuel被重新带到她的出生国埃塞俄比亚,Adam Overton对咖啡诞生地丰富的咖啡历史著迷。
    在这次咖啡考察结束后,这对夫妇深深感觉到不得不开办自己的咖啡农场。 他们在埃塞俄比亚的野生咖啡森林中看到了太多未曾被探索的潜力和机会。 尽管该国的咖啡贸易早已成熟,但埃塞俄比亚的咖啡行业在农业和加工创新以及风土区别方面远远落后于新的咖啡来源,而这正是专业的精品豆和商业豆之间最重要的两个区别。 Adam Overton和Rachel Samuel充分利用埃塞俄比亚专业市场建立魁夏村,庄与传统做差距区别。
    从2007年到2010年,这对夫妇在这个国家寻找完美的地方来建立他们的村落。 最初的标准是由于实际的运输考量,农场应该靠近首都阿迪斯阿贝斯亚。 更重要的是,其他的考虑因素是:
    ·         海拔:海拔1800-2100米
    ·         较大的土地(超过100公顷)
    ·         老树众多/原始森林
    ·         丰富的树荫
    ·         通路
    ·         充分的劳动力
    ·         居民没有流离失所 稳定的劳动资源
    ·         随著他们对地方的调查,他们越来越远离阿迪斯阿贝斯亚首都。 Finally, they found Gesha town, very close to Ethiopia's border with Sudan, in the far western region of the country.最后,他们在该国西南部地区,发现了非常接近埃塞俄比亚与苏丹边界的gesha(艺技魁夏)镇。 During their reconnaissance, they found wild coffee growing within pristine forest.在他们的侦察过程中,他们发现在原始森林里生长的(野生咖啡); This coffee paradise, combined with meeting some inhabitants from the Meanit community who indigenous to the area, also drew the couple in. This was a place and people where something completely cutting-edge could happen.这么一个咖啡天堂。
    ·         该地区的一些居民,也吸引了这对夫妇。这是一个(地方)和(人民)可以发生一些美好的事情。
    In autumn of 2011 the lease for the 471 hectares that now make up Gesha Village Estate was signed and soon after, Akalu, Gesha Village's (GV) Farm Manager was hired. 2011年秋天,现在组成gesha村庄的471公顷土地已经签约,不久后,gesha魁夏艺技村农场聘请Akalu担当经理。 He, together with the newly established GV team, began doing a forest exploration where they picked wild seeds from the nearby Gori Gesha forest.他和新成立的GV(gesha village)团队一起开始森林探险,从附近的Gori Gesha森林采集野生种子。
    ·         After a year in the nursery, these seeds were planted on 30 hectares and at the same time, the team began acquainting themselves with the Meanit neighbours that lived around them.在苗圃栽培一年后,这些种子被种植在30公顷的土地上,与此同时,他们开始与周围居住的邻居们相识。 This initial 30 hectares made up GV's first “test plot” – the team wanted to ensure the cup quality was good before more coffee was planted.这个最初的30公顷构成了GV(gesha village)的第一个“试验农场” – 团队希望在更多的咖啡种植之前确保杯测cup ping的质量是好的。 The first 1kg sample was sent to Adam and Rachel's friend Willem Boot in the spring of 2012 even before they themselves had a chance to cup.
    ·         2012年春季,第一个1公斤的样本被送到亚当和雷切尔的朋友威廉·布特(Willem Boot),甚至在他们自己有机会cup ping之前。 Willem in turn organized a Cupping Caravan in Ethiopia where cuppers were blown away by the coffee.威廉在埃塞俄比亚又组织了一个cup ping大联盟,这个咖啡样品被拿走了。 At this point, the GV team knew that they were onto something special.在这一点上,GV团队知道他们正在变得特别,有好事发生。
    ·         Before getting too ahead of themselves, the team decided to visit their neighbours' coffee farms in order to both study the morphology of more established trees, which also came from forest seeds, and also to cup their neighbours' coffees to further understand what they were working with at GV.在更多的超越之前,团队决定访问邻居的咖啡农场,以便研究更多树木的形态,这些树木也来自森林种子,并且杯测邻居的咖啡,以进一步了解它们是如何管理。
    ·          As exciting as cultivating forest coffee was, the team understood that planting one of any variety was risky and on the advice of Akalu and Dr. Girma, decided to plant a good portion of GV with tried and tested Ethiopian heirloom varieties released from the Jimma Argicultural Research Center (JARC).与培育森林咖啡一样令人兴奋的是,研究小组了解到种植任何一种品种都是有风险的,并且在Akalu和Girma博士的建议下,决定种植一大批GV(GESHA VILLAGE),其中包括从Jimma  Argicultural发展的久经考验的埃塞俄比亚传家宝品种研究中心(JARC)。 These released varieties come from various seed collection expeditions that JARC has conducted.这些释放的品种来自JARC进行的各种种子收集考察。
    ·         研究探险期间收集的野生品种,研究人员在确定哪些是“优良植物”时寻找以下特征:
    ·         a)明显的抗病性; b) excellent cup quality;
    ·         b)优秀的杯测质量; and c) good yield.
    ·         c)良好的收益。
    ·         Plants showing these characteristics are chosen for release and GV chose to plant a variety that originated in the highland coffee forests of Illubabor.显示这些特征的植物被选择用,并且GV选择了起源于Illubabor(伊鲁巴布尔)的高地咖啡森林的各种植物。
    ·          This one showed both disease resistance and excellent cup quality.这一个显示抗病性和优秀质量。
    ·         We can say that over the course of cupping the different varieties produced on GV, these research varieties have some of the most exciting cup profiles that Gesha Village have produced.我们可以说,在对GV生产的不同品种进行杯测的过程中,这些研究品种有一些Gesha Village(瑰夏村咖啡)生产的最令人兴奋的品质。 With varieties playing such an important role in quality and cup profile, it makes perfect sense that the GV team found research partners to carry out a methodical genetic study on the Gesha forest varieties.随著品种在品质方面发挥如此重要的作用,GV团队找到了研究伙伴,对Gesha森林品种进行系统的遗传研究,这是非常有意义的。 Part of that study concerns the possible connection between Panamanian geisha and coffee from the Gori Gesha Forest.



2018-08-28 15:58:18 责任编辑:未知




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