
作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡知识 > 咖啡冲泡方式煮法 > 2025-03-09 20:38:43

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  【Easy steps recipes】
  【手冲冰咖啡 How to make Filter Iced Coffee】
  咖啡豆Ground coffee 24g
  冰块 Ice cube 150g
  水Water 90度
  1.以冷水浸湿滤纸 Pre-wet the filter with room-temperature water
  Tip: 可以保持滤杯与玻璃壶较低的温度 This step can keep the dripper and vessel in lower temperature
  2.将冰块放入玻璃壶 Put the ice cube in the vessel
  3.咖啡粉倒入滤杯 Add the ground coffee to the filter
  4.用手轻拍使粉平整 Gently tap it to level the surface of the grounds
  5.首先注入约30g热水,进行闷蒸 Slowly pour 30g hot water and create a blossoming effect
  6.以细水注均匀缓慢地绕圈Pour water slowly and move in a steady spiral toward the center of the grounds
  7.注水总量为200g Bring the total to 200g
  8.冲煮时间约为2:30 Brew time is about 2:30
  9.移开滤杯 Remove the dripper
  10.摇晃玻璃壶,让冰块与咖啡均匀融合 Move the vessel to mix the coffee and ice properly
  【冷萃咖啡 How to make Cold Brew】
  冷水 Water 300g
  浅焙咖啡粉 Light-roast ground coffee 50g
  玻璃瓶 Jar
  咖啡粉Ground Coffee:水Water=1:6
  1.倒入咖啡粉Add ground coffee
  Tip: 咖啡粉磨至砂糖粗细,太细咖啡易混浊 Grind the beans very coarsely. A smaller grind will result in cloudy coffee.
  2.加入冷水Slowly add water
  3.拌匀,让咖啡粉充分浸湿Use a wooden spoon to make sure to all grounds get wet
  4.盖上盖子Cover the lid
  5.放入冰箱冰16-20小时Refrigerate for 16-20 hours.
  6.倒出,过滤咖啡粉 Filter the ground coffee
  7.依个人口味兑水或加入牛奶Add ice, milk, or your other favorite coffee things and enjoy.
  8.冷藏可保存3-5天Keep it chilled in the refrigerator. It will last for 3-5 days

2018-05-12 16:27:35 责任编辑:未知




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