How to make the coffee - Royal Coffee/皇家咖啡

作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡文化 > 2024-04-25 08:33:42

It is said that this is the French Emperor – Napoleon’s favourite coffee, so it’s named "Royal Coffee". Drench brandy upon the cube sugar, light up flame on it. Elegant and magnificent, it shows a royal style


Feature: noble, elegant and romantic, the flagrance of the brandy overflows in the air.

Key Point: place the hook spoon over the cup, put the cube sugar on the spoon. then drench the cube sugar with brandy and light flame upon it.

Taste: Sweet, pure with the fragrance of brandy.

Material: A cup of mixed hot coffee, cube sugar. 1/3 OZ of brandy

Procedure: A cup of mixed hot coffee (or blue mountain coffee), about 70~80% full, place the hook spoon over the cup, put the cube sugar on the spoon. then drench the cube sugar with brandy and light flame upon it. Often served in the evening.

2014-07-14 11:54:05 责任编辑:未知




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