作者:私房咖啡博客 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡知识 > 咖啡豆 > 2025-03-04 12:30:06
Sigri Plantation is located in the Papua New Guinea highlands. Growing conditions here are well-suited for coffee: about 5200 feet above sea level, with a cool climate and plenty of rainfall.
"Processing" or "milling" is the way farmers separate the coffee bean from the pulpy fruit around it. The Sigri Estate has been refining its coffee processing method for over fifty years.
Sigri uses a classic processing method: fully-washed and sun-dried. Processing the coffee immediately after harvest ensures a clean flavor in the final cup.
The beans are washed three times over a 72-hour period. In between washings, they are held in fermentation tanks, which helps to break down the pulp around the bean. Once all the pulp is removed, the beans are soaked one last time in fresh water.
The beans are spread onto wide patios to dry in the sun. Over the next several days, the beans will be turned over with rakes make sure every last bean is dry. Finally, the coffee is ready to be sorted, shipped, and roasted. The final cup is deep and sweet, with an earthy flavor.
2014-07-03 15:57:20 责任编辑:私房咖啡博客
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