
作者:蜜思咖啡网 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡知识 > 2025-01-31 02:44:48

Those who drink more coffee are more likely to have a gene that helps their livers break it down If you struggle to get through the day without a constant supply of coffee or tea, it may be down to more than just personal taste. Research shows some of us inherit genes which make us more reliant on caffeine. Those with the ‘caffeine addict’ genes need to drink more coffee or tea to get the same buzz.



This could also help to explain why chocolate is more irresistible to some than others. The intriguing finding comes from a U.S. study scrutinising the DNA and diets of 45,000 people, one of the first to examine links between foods and genes. This flagged up two genes associated with the high intake of tea, coffee, chocolate and caffeinated soft drinks such as colas. One – CYP1A2 – is key to the breakdown of caffeine in the liver. The other, called AHR, regulates the first.


Researcher Neil Caporaso said: ‘It’s been known for decades that this CYP1A2 gene is what metabolized caffeine. ‘But using new technology, what we showed for the first time is that it appears responsible for the inherited differences in how people drink coffee. ‘The point is that the way we drink caffeine is not just random – it’s related to the genetic hand of cards you were dealt. ‘If you break it down more quickly, you require more caffeine to achieve the same “buzz” or to avoid withdrawal after stopping all caffeine.’

研究员Neil Caporaso 说:“携带CYP1A2基因的人,对咖啡成瘾的几率较大。我们通过新技术首次发现,我们对咖啡成瘾是基于体内的基因的原因。”(编译:韦方苑)


2014-06-13 15:31:27 责任编辑:蜜思咖啡网




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