作者:中国咖啡交易网 来源:手冲咖啡: 咖啡知识 > 2025-03-28 10:03:15
2000年,在蒙地卡罗,一群(对咖啡---译者注)专注的人济济一堂,呈现了WBC(世界咖啡师大赛)的首届比赛。他们的远见缔造了一个面向来自世界各地的最优秀的咖啡师的竞赛平台。12个来自不同国家的选手参与了决赛,挪威的选手ROBERT THORESEN夺冠。
赛事在2001移师美国佛罗里达炎热而潮湿的海滩城市迈阿密,这次由17名代表各自国家的选手的咖啡师的竞赛冠军再一次落入自北半球的选手囊中------来自丹麦的MARTIN HILDEBRANDTD夺走桂冠。
第三届WBC我们回到了欧洲-----在丹麦的奥斯陆举行。来自全球的优胜者参与了这次冠军争夺战。在24位选手的激烈角逐后,胜出的仍然是斯堪的纳维亚人-------东道国选手FRITZ STORM在家乡震撼性的夺魁。
2003年的美国波士顿。WBC那时已经赢得空前的声誉,赛事在美国的早间电视频道向超过两千万美国人播报(这还不包括世界的其他地区电视观众),赛事冠军第一次在斯堪的纳维亚人以外产生-------来自澳大利亚的PAUL BASSETT以压倒性优势,实至名归和毫无争议的从28位选手决战中夺走桂冠。
WBC的第五届赛事之旅,我们来到意大利咖啡和高品质ESPRESSO的家乡意大利的(东北部海港城市-----译者注)提里雅斯特。这次破记录的达到34位选手参赛的竞赛,也首次伴随了另类竞赛-----和选手一样,裁判也得为他们的一席之位比赛。挪威选手TIM WENDELBOE在数以百计的现场观众面前,骄傲地捧走了奖杯-----(冠军有回归斯堪的纳维亚人手中------译者注)。
2005年WBC东道主是西雅图------美国的ESPRESSO COFFEE的发源地(也是STARBUCKS的老家------译者注)。来自35个国家派出咖啡世界级的选手奉献出他们的完美和专业的ESPRESSO咖啡体验的盛宴。王者又是斯堪的纳维亚人。丹麦选手第三次夺冠-------TROELS OVERDALL PAULSON征服了美国咖啡帝国的首都。
瑞士美丽的城市伯尔尼主办了第七届WBC决赛。39个国家选出的达到空前水准的冠军选手争夺卓有声誉的WBC冠军。当丹麦选手KLAUS THOMSEN在2006年的WBC决赛中最后获胜时,达至破记录人数的比赛现场观众欢呼雀跃。他那引人入胜的表演源自他“2006年极品咖啡可以存在(产生)”的接近宗教般的信仰,和他对咖啡这样的陈述后面的哲学-------咖啡就象交响乐,在那里所有的“演奏者”,和在咖啡的链条(旋律)里的每一个为此工作的人,不得不为这个“奉献一杯完美的ESPRESSO”的共同目标而同心协力。他推出的招牌特色咖啡就叫“交响乐”-----是由ESPRESSO,PANNA COTTA和咖啡泡沫组成的三层咖啡饮料。KLAUS是过去七届WBC总决赛产生的第四个丹麦籍冠军。
2007,日本东京 英国人,James Hoffmann
2008 哥本哈根 Stephen Morrissey, 爱尔兰
In 2000, in Monte Carlo, a group of like minded individuals got together and presented the first annual World Barista Championship. Their vision was to create a competition that showcased the best baristas from around the globe. 12 people competed from various nations and the competition was won by Robert Thoresen of Norway.
2001 saw the competition move to the USA, to the hot and steamy beach city of Miami, Florida. This time around 17 baristas came to represent their home countries and once again the winner was plucked from the north – Denmark’s Martin Hildebrandt took home the crown.
For the third annual World barista Championship we were back in Europe, as Oslo, Norway and the SCAE hosted the competition for 2002. Once again baristas from across the globe came together to battle for the title. 24 baristas worked tirelessly but the winner was once again the Scandinavian nation of Denmark. Fritz Storm blasted home to win.
Boston, 2003. The WBC had now gained such momentum that the competition was broadcast on national morning TV to over 20 million Americans (not to mention the rest of the world!) From a tough pool of 28 baristas the championship was awarded for the first time out side of Scandinavia. Paul Bassett from Australia overwhelmingly took top honours with a convincing and solid performance
In its fifth year the WBC travelled to Trieste, Italy, the home of Italian coffee and quality espresso. A record breaking 34 representatives battled to win the title which for the first time was also accompanied by a competition of a different kind. Judges as well as baristas had to work for a position in the competition. In front of an audience of hundreds Tim Wendelboe of Norway proudly earned the now much sought after title of World Barista Champion.
In 2005 Seattle, the USA home of espresso coffee was the WBC host. Once again the worlds best Baristas and coffee enthusiasts gathered to experience the ultimate professional espresso experience. 35 countries competed to find the next champion. Scandinavia was successful again, for the third time a Danish competitor took the crown. Troels Overdall Poulsen was triumphant in the USA coffee capital
The beautiful city of Berne, Switzerland, was the host of the 7th annual World Barista Championship. 39 nations were battling for the prestigious world title and the level of the competitors has never been higher. A record-breaking amount of spectators were cheering and nearly lifting the sealing when Klaus Thomsen from Denmark was awarded the 2006 world barista champion title. His spectacular performance was based on what he believed “Speciality coffee can be in the year 2006” and the philosophy behind the presentation was that coffee is like a Symphony, where all “players”, or workers in the coffee chain, has to work together and towards the same goal in order to provide a perfect cup of espresso. His signature drink called “Symphony” was a three-layer drink consisting of coffee - panna cotta, espresso and coffee foam. Klaus is the 4th Danish world barista champion out of a total of 7.
2015-01-22 19:40:45 责任编辑:中国咖啡交易网
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