哥伦比亚咖啡品牌Juan Valdez与哥伦比亚咖啡生产者协会/FNC

作者:未知 来源:手冲咖啡: 精品咖啡豆 > 哥伦比亚咖啡豆 > 2025-03-29 14:55:59

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  • 哥伦比亚很清楚营销的价值,也很早便开始建立哥伦比亚咖啡品牌形象。1958年创造出哥伦比亚咖啡代言人农夫胡安·瓦尔德兹(Juan Valdez)这个人物,可以说是他们最大的成功。
    Columbia is very clear about the value of marketing, and it has also begun to build a brand image. The person who created the Columbia coffee spokesperson, Juan Valdez (Juan Valdez) in 1958, could be said to be their greatest success.
    ●胡安·瓦尔德兹    /Juan Valdez/
    胡安·瓦尔德兹与他的骡子成为哥伦比亚咖啡的代表,他们的图像在咖啡包装上随处可见,也表现在不同的广告活动上,过去几年来由三位不同演员扮演。胡安·瓦尔德兹成为了一个容易辨识的品牌(尤其在美国),同时也增加了哥伦比亚咖啡的附加值。因早期的营销标语如“高山咖啡”(Mountain Grown Coffee)以及不断以“100%哥伦比亚咖啡”做推广,使得哥伦比亚咖啡在全球消费者心目中有了独特的地位。
    Juan Valdez and his mule to become the representative of Colombian Coffee, their image in the coffee packaging everywhere, but also in different advertising campaigns, the past few years by three different actors. Juan Valdez became a recognizable brand (especially in the United States), and also increased the value of the Colombian Coffee. Because of the early marketing slogans such as "Mountain Grown Coffee" and the continuous promotion of "100% Columbia coffee", Columbia coffee has a unique position in the global consumer's mind.
    ●哥伦比亚咖啡生产者协会    /FNC/
    The marketing plan for all this is carried out by the Columbia coffee producer association (FNC). The association was founded in 1927 and is quite unusual for the coffee industry. Although many countries have a variety of organizations specializing in export and promotion matters, few have such a large and complex organization.
    ◆ 哥伦比亚 🇨🇴 Columbia|大型咖啡园
    In order to popularize Columbia coffee, FNC created two terms "Supremo" and "Excelso". It is worth noting that they are related to the size of coffee beans, but not related to quality. The mixed coffee beans are screened by machine and then classified according to size.
    ●咖啡口感    /Coffee taste/
    哥伦比亚咖啡带有许多不同的气味    /Smell/
    有的浓郁呈现巧克力味    /Rich/
    有的宛如果酱版甜美,带着果香    /Fruit/
    各个产区之间存在极大差异    /Area/



2018-09-13 12:38:23 责任编辑:未知




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