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mas Enzymatic Flowery Floral Jasmine Wintergreen Fragrant Cardamon, Caraway Sweet Basil, Anise Fruity Citrus Lemon Tangerine Berry-like Raspberry Blackberry Herby Alliaceous Onion Garlic Leguminous Cabbage Alfalfa Sugar Browning Nutty Nut-
SCAA风味轮 Coffee Tasters Flavor Wheel ,对咖啡进行品尝杯测用的参考图标。 mas Enzymatic Flowery Floral Jasmine Wintergreen Fragrant Cardamon, Caraway Sweet Basil, Anise Fruity Citrus Lemon Tangerine Berry-like Raspberry Blackberry Herby Al
1.Coffee Service During The Meal Customer:Do you have a vacant seat? Waiter:Yes,this way,please. W:Is this table all right?
Relax and enjoy your coffee!!! 咖啡店会话全记录 1.Coffee Service During The Meal Customer:Do you have a vacant seat? Waiter:Yes,this way,please. W:Is this table all right? C:Good.Thank you. C:Menu,please. W:Right away,sir. W:What would you
1、请问先生这里吃还是外带? for here or to go,sir? 2、请问您还需要点些其他东西吗? would you like anything else,please? 3、请问咖啡里需要加点奶油或风味糖浆吗? would you like your coffee with cream or flavor syrup? 4、收您100元。 (these will
Espresso - 意大利特浓咖啡 Yourefriendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste of coffee, a rare butadmirable trait. 你为人友善,适应性强。你是真的喜欢咖啡的味道,这是一种罕见而可贵的特质。 DoubleEspresso - 双倍特浓咖啡 Yourepractical a
不知道你每次喝咖啡是不是固定的口味和喜好呢,如果是比较固定的类型可以通过你的口味选择来判断你的性格噢。一起来了解一下。 Espresso - 意大利特浓咖啡 Yourefriendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste of coffee, a rare butadmirable trait.
咖啡透露性格 (来源:沪江英语)Espresso 意式特浓咖啡 Youre friendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste of coffee, a rare but admirable trait。 你为人友善, 适应性强。你是真的喜欢咖啡的味道,这是一种罕见而可贵的特质。 Double Espresso
品鉴: 云南花果山 (Typica): 烘焙程度:中度烘焙 干香: 梨类水果(pear-fruit),香草类(vanila -like ),蜂蜜类(honey-like),蜜桃茶(peach tea),熟的橙子(ripe orange),茉莉花类(jasmine hints) 湿香: 坚果香(nutty),牛奶巧克力(milky chocolate),草
专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) May god give you the smell of coffee roasting. 愿上帝给你咖啡烘焙的好香气 May you flourish like coffee. 愿你跟咖啡一样茂盛 May you fill the air with good smell like coffee. 祝福你让像咖
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 2013年世界咖啡师大赛(墨尔本)冠军Pete Licata台词Pete Licata的比赛开始于1:36 大家可以根据视频的时间进行阅读台词,不懂的部分请询问英语棒棒的朋友或者用Google谷哥哥简单翻译 并附上
Coffee is good for you: Women who drink four or more cups a day are less likely to be depressed 咖啡对你有益:每天四杯咖啡可降低女性抑郁症的风险 Many of us depend on a mug of freshly brewed coffee to perk us up in the mornings. 很多人每天
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 If youve ever been on a coffee date with someone who chose black coffee over the typical indulgent caffeinated creation, you might want to take your latte and run. Apparently,
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专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 5种常见花式 咖啡种类 包含了拿铁、卡布奇诺、摩卡、康宝蓝、玛奇亚朵。想知道它们中的奶泡、牛奶、鲜奶油与咖啡之间的比例吗? 我们的城市,四周不经意地飘散著迷人的咖啡香气,
Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps get the wrist
ouse Diaries最近登载了一张咖啡取向和性格关系说明图,根据说明图显示,根据人们性格的不同,喜爱的咖啡种类也不同。亲你属于哪一型? 咖啡透露你的性格 你爱喝哪一种? Espresso 意大利特浓咖啡 Youre friendly and adaptive. You actually like the taste o
巴西咖啡特点是什么 巴西咖啡的味道和口感真的很差吗?
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