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The spread of coffee to Asia The Arabians could not spread coffee in Asia but the Dutch did! In the process of Dutch colonization, they grew coffee in Maraba, Indiaand brought coffee to Batavia in Java, Indonesia in 1699. The Dutch colonie
WBC年度比赛结果 编辑 2012 Vienna The birthplace of the coffeehouse was the setting for the 12th World Barista Championship held from 12-15 June 2012. Raul Rodas from Guatemala was crowned the 2012 World Barista Champion. Fifty-four barista
在潘体中间增加了搅拌的杆子,锅的边沿打了排气孔,还加装了热电偶显示温度功能 Turbo Crazy Coffee Roaster How-to: Build your own home coffee roaster The Turbo Crazy isnt my design, but I liked the concept. I wanted something to roast bigger ba
Giesen W6 A Coffee Roaster he Giesen W6 Coffee Roaster is the perfect model to use in a roastery or coffee bar. With a roasting capacity up to 6 kg. per batch it is the starting model to roast coffee professionally as you will have the per
英文句子太专业,翻译困难!等英文高手翻译投稿 Coffee has a conflicting reputation is it a guilty pleasure or a life saving elixir? Emma Davies gulps down an espresso and investigates In Short Drinking coffee has been associated with a variet
当我们谈到精品咖啡的时候,呈现在咖啡供应链里的每一个步骤对于最后呈现在我们面前的咖啡成品都至关重要。那么在咖啡从种子到杯子供应链里一个非常重要的步骤是烘焙。 When it comes to specialty coffee, every step in the supply chain becomes extremel
Giesen W15 A Coffee Roaster This model is perfect for a middle large roastery. The Giesen W15 Coffee Roaster has a production capacity from 500 gr. up to 15 kg. As with all the Giesen Coffee Roasters, it is possible to roast and cool at th
原文: Basic Chemical Reactions Occurring in the Roasting Process by Carl Staub sourced from the SCAA Roast Color Classification System developed by Agtron - SCAA in 1995 Many thermal and chemical reactions occur during the roasting proces
A very valuable feature of the Giesen Coffee Roasters is the presence of two different fans. One is situated inside the drum and will distribute the hot air during the roasting process. The other fan is situated in the cooling tray for the
600 可可与文明 公元600年,随着玛雅人从中美洲向北方的迁徙,也把他们的文明传播到了那里。在尤卡坦半岛,他们建立起早期的可可种植园。毫无疑问,玛雅人已在几个世纪前就对可可有所认识了。 600 Culture and Cocoa A.D. 600 the Mayas undertook a massive
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 2013年世界咖啡师大赛(墨尔本)冠军Pete Licata台词Pete Licata的比赛开始于1:36 大家可以根据视频的时间进行阅读台词,不懂的部分请询问英语棒棒的朋友或者用Google谷哥哥简单翻译 并附上
Giesen W45 A Coffee Roaster The newest machine in our collection is the Giesen W45 Coffee Roaster. Developed in 2011 to meet the demands of the market, this coffee roaster has a production capacity of 180 kg/h and is therefore well equippe
Giesen W1 M / A Coffee Roaster The Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster is the perfect solution for a small shop owner or a serious hobbyist, roasting coffee at home. This coffee roaster combines the high quality and extensive functionalities of the G
2000年,在蒙地卡罗,一群(对咖啡---译者注)专注的人济济一堂,呈现了WBC(世界咖啡师大赛)的首届比赛。他们的远见缔造了一个面向来自世界各地的最优秀的咖啡师的竞赛平台。12个来自不同国家的选手参与了决赛,挪威的选手ROBERT THORESEN夺冠。 赛事在2001移
Tamper Hanger Along with our corner tamping mat the wall hanger is another of those products where the genius is in the sheer simplicity of the idea. Karina was able to come up with this and a lot of other of our unique products because sh
与水洗处理法和日晒处理法两大传统处理方法并列,蜜处理方法也成为咖啡处理方法中的一支独秀。蜜处理即honey 或者miel,honey 即为蜂蜜的意思,miel是拉丁语中蜜的意思,所以这种方法的豆子总让人联想到香甜。在很多场合和条件下,似乎pluped natural 处理法
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如何保存咖啡咖啡豆新鲜度的存贮方法 咖啡豆保质期与赏味期多久
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