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你是否有想过,原来喝温水也可以很时尚?创立于 2010 年的美国纽约品牌 Swell,可能是世界上最美的保温瓶。创始人 Sarah Kauss 以关怀水危机为出发,打造出结合环保、实用及流线造型的保温瓶。 Swell 保温瓶采用高等级不锈钢和无毒的环保材质,搭配精美质感的
烘焙这锅Kenya Nyeri AA Tegu的时候,在二爆第一响停止烘焙~ 虽然入了二爆,肯尼亚的酸度依然强劲~ 总体感觉,跟传统的肯尼亚一样,粘稠度好、水果酸强劲、口感复杂~ 以下资料来源于sweetmarias Country: Kenya Grade: AA Region: Nyeri Mark: Tegu Factory,
1.Coffee Service During The Meal Customer:Do you have a vacant seat? Waiter:Yes,this way,please. W:Is this table all right?
作为全球最大的咖啡品牌,星巴克的成功不单单只是源于一杯咖啡的醇香,亮眼的周边产品同样是品牌消费者价值的重要组成环节。 近几年,星巴克开始尝试与多个时尚品牌进行基于周边产品的跨界合作,在为消费者的生活和工作带来品质和惊喜的同时,也获得了更多连
Relax and enjoy your coffee!!! 咖啡店会话全记录 1.Coffee Service During The Meal Customer:Do you have a vacant seat? Waiter:Yes,this way,please. W:Is this table all right? C:Good.Thank you. C:Menu,please. W:Right away,sir. W:What would you
Coffee drinks containing alcohol production formula 一:TB 咖啡 TB Coffee ①10ml 提拉米苏糖浆 10ml Tiramisu Syrup ②15ml 百利甜酒 15ml Bailys Irish cream ③60ml 牛奶 60ml milk ④30ml浓缩咖啡 30ml espresso 制作方法:将所有材料放入雪克壶,
新年有心愿,星语送心意。以咖啡为证许下春暖花开的心愿,连接亲朋挚友,一杯心愿咖啡,开启绚烂多姿的全新一年这是星巴克2016的新年心愿,你的心愿准备好了吗? 心愿曲奇拿铁,福满栗香玛奇朵,如意桃花风味红茶拿铁,星巴克为你的2016温情奉上三款祝福满满
Medium to pointed (delicate) acidity and medium body, smooth and well balanced cup with a creamy, buttery flavor. The Cream of the Ethiopian Crop with real Mocca flavor. 耶加雪啡是东非精品咖啡(specialty coffee)的代表,有着很特别、不寻常的
埃塞尔比亚 耶加雪啡 Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe 咖啡生豆 Medium to pointed (delicate) acidity and medium body, smooth and well balanced cup with a creamy, buttery flavor. The Cream of the Ethiopian Crop with real Mocca flavor. 耶加雪啡是东
Drop Tamper Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps ge
Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps get the wrist
耶加雪啡是东非精品咖啡(specialty coffee)的代表,有着很特别、不寻常的柑橘果香及花香,使得耶加雪啡成为世界上最有特色的咖啡之一,比较少见及昂贵。 Medium to pointed (delicate) acidity and medium body, smooth and well balanced cup with a creamy
Giesen W45 A Coffee Roaster The newest machine in our collection is the Giesen W45 Coffee Roaster. Developed in 2011 to meet the demands of the market, this coffee roaster has a production capacity of 180 kg/h and is therefore well equippe
For each designer cup and can, there is an artistic design to be viewed, touched and cradled in the hands. A passion for all things beautiful and well-made, a keen appreciation of modern art and the exceptional quality of its blend inspire
到一个国家旅游,你首选的或许是去游览那些地标物,通过它们去感受这个国家的人文风情,而现在我们可以换种形式去融入这个国家,试着为自己安排一次咖啡之旅吧! 1. 近乎安逸 | Close For Comfort 想要去一个即使人满为患,咖啡师依然能够完全记得你的名字和点
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