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专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 武汉打印拉花咖啡馆 Its Yours:你的咖啡鸡尾酒 推荐理由 开在昙华林里的一家咖啡鸡尾酒文创店。 店名:Its Yours 类别:武汉咖啡馆 地址:武汉武昌区粮道街办事处昙华林马道门5号
Four-year-old Corvus Coffee has opened its new roastery, tasting lab and retail bar at 1740 S. Broadway in Denver, after outgrowing its original roastery and small retail space less than half a mile away in the up-and-coming craft-heavy Pl
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 China has traditionally been famous for its fragrant teas, but the country is emerging as a key Asian producer of a different beverage: quality arabica coffee. Known for its f
Rancilio公司的历史可以追溯到上世纪20年代,研发和业务上的不断创新和开拓过程中已逐步建立起了其在半自动和家用机方面的行业领先地位。公司的每一款机器的设计,在确保质量和性能稳定性的前提同时也非常注重机器的外观设计和人性化的考虑。 中文名兰奇里奥
专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) I biked by a tiny cafe on Taiyuan Road the other day on my way out of yoga class, its coffee aroma so alluring that I slowed down to do a double takeAh ha, another new
For each designer cup and can, there is an artistic design to be viewed, touched and cradled in the hands. A passion for all things beautiful and well-made, a keen appreciation of modern art and the exceptional quality of its blend inspire
最近,当您光顾咖啡店或在超市购物时,或许会发现很多咖啡产品都被冠以极品咖啡的称号。这一称号的光环吸引着众多咖啡迷争相购买。但是什么样的咖啡才可以称得上是极品咖啡呢?想要回答这一问题还是比较复杂的。 You may have noticed that the last time you
Giesen W1 M / A Coffee Roaster The Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster is the perfect solution for a small shop owner or a serious hobbyist, roasting coffee at home. This coffee roaster combines the high quality and extensive functionalities of the G
美国权威饮食营养专家小组周四发布营养建议时,前所未有地在是否该喝咖啡的问题上表了态,不但如此,他们的说法尤其出人意料。 When the nations top nutrition panel released its latest dietary recommendations on Thursday, the group did something it
咖啡最早发现于今天的东非埃塞俄比亚。流行的说法是一个名叫Kaldi的牧羊人发现山羊吃了一种浆果后行动敏捷。出于好奇,Kaldi自己也尝试着吃了一点。他发现这些浆果使他精神焕发。这种使人体能充沛的浆果很快在这一地区变得人人皆知。 Coffee was first disco
giesenW15烘焙机价格-烘焙设备价格 Because of its compact size and artisanal appearance, the Giesen W1 Coffee Roaster is a perfect model to put at display for customers to see visiting your roastery or coffee bar. With a weight of 150 kg thi
烘焙这锅Kenya Nyeri AA Tegu的时候,在二爆第一响停止烘焙~ 虽然入了二爆,肯尼亚的酸度依然强劲~ 总体感觉,跟传统的肯尼亚一样,粘稠度好、水果酸强劲、口感复杂~ 以下资料来源于sweetmarias Country: Kenya Grade: AA Region: Nyeri Mark: Tegu Factory,
Eighty percent of adults in the US and the UK are moderate users of the caffeine.80%的美国人和英国人都在一定程度上是咖啡因的使用者。 Of all the effects it has on our mindsenhanced attention and vigilanceperhaps least known is its tendency
图:livestream DailyCoffeNews2015年3月27日报道:世界咖啡师锦标赛(WBC-World Barista Championship)主办方WCE宣布,2016年在爱尔兰都柏林的比赛将有重大变化。这些变化主要包括以下三项,另外两项变化将在今年4月9~12号在美国西雅图举行的SCAA年会期间宣
英国伦敦东区一家咖啡店禁止顾客穿Ugg雪地靴入店,并称其为渣鞋,这一举动激起了众怒。 Brick Lane Coffee in Shoreditch, East London, slated the popular Australian brand on a chalkboard outside its shop earlier this week, with the message: Sorry
专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 前天朋友送来一支BOP 咖啡豆,不知道是我很喜欢这朋友的烘焙手法还是很喜欢这烘焙机出来的味道,喝完了就是有一种幸福的感觉。 话说回来这几天在 巴拿马 也正进行每年一度的咖啡界盛事, 就是每年Bes
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