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荷香系列 荷香腊味饭 Cured Meat With Lotus Flavor 荷香排骨饭 Porkchop With Lotus Flavor 荷香北菇滑鸡饭 Mushroom And Chicken With Lotus Flavor 荷香田鸡饭 Pork frog With Lotus Flavor 荷香牛柳饭 Pepper Tenderloin With Lotus Flavor 荷香鳗鱼饭 E
商务套餐 葡柿蛋炒饭 Fried Rice With Egg And Pushi 青椒牛肉蛋炒饭 Fried Rice With Beef,Green Popper and Egg 咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 Fried Rice With Chicken and Salted Fish 干椒辣子鸡饭 Chicken Rice With Hot Peper 宫爆鸡丁饭 Souteed Chicken Cubeltets W
主厨精致套餐 面包 任选 法国蒜味芝士面包 French Garlic Cheese Bread 全麦面包 Barley Bread 开胃前菜 任选 布根地焗田螺 Snail Simmered With Burundy 挪威烟熏三文鱼 Smoked salmon (salmon fillet with lemon and caper) 帕玛森芝士焗生蚝 Oyster With
开胃前菜 布根地焗田螺 Snail Simmered With Burundy 帕玛森芝士焗生蚝 Oyster With Parmesan Cheese 香酥大虾 Delicious Prawn 主厨特制鹅肝酱 Executive Chefs Specially-made Fromage Foiegras 特制浓汤 德式奶油野菇汤 Cream Mashroom Soup 奶油玉米鸡茸
With Bunny的卖点是和兔子亲密接触。顾客可以抱抱小兔子、合影拍照、喂食。图为资料图。 中新网11月8日电 据日媒8日报道,在东京浅草,像兔子咖啡、小鸟咖啡这种能和小动物亲密接触的咖啡店如今颇有人气。这些动物咖啡店通过网络和口碑传开,甚至有很多外国
espresso - a strong coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through fine coffee grounds 意式浓缩咖啡:意式浓缩咖啡口感香浓强烈,它是以少量将近沸腾的水、借由高压冲过研磨得很细的咖啡粉末而冲出来的咖啡。
咖啡厅常用英语知识 espresso - a strong coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through fine coffee grounds 意式浓缩咖啡:意式浓缩咖啡口感香浓强烈,它是以少量将近沸腾的水、借由高压冲过研磨得很细的咖啡
Giesen W15 A Coffee Roaster This model is perfect for a middle large roastery. The Giesen W15 Coffee Roaster has a production capacity from 500 gr. up to 15 kg. As with all the Giesen Coffee Roasters, it is possible to roast and cool at th
Tamper Hanger Along with our corner tamping mat the wall hanger is another of those products where the genius is in the sheer simplicity of the idea. Karina was able to come up with this and a lot of other of our unique products because sh
At the center of my 20-plus years of training and knowledge is illycaff. Certainly my views on coffee have been influenced by the companys scientific environment, created by three generations of chemists; a research and development unit co
Francesco Clemente When you love something, theres nothing better than sharing it with others. Thats how illy Art Collections are born: from the desire to share with the whole world our passion for art. They are exceptional coffee cups, of
巴西咖啡特点是什么 巴西咖啡的味道和口感真的很差吗?
哥伦比亚咖啡豆产地区故事 蕙兰低因咖啡手冲冲煮风味特点
哥伦比亚精品咖啡特点介绍 哥伦比亚有哪些著名的咖啡品牌?
哥伦比亚考卡cauca咖啡豆产地区介绍 烘焙建议手冲风味特点描述
意式拼配咖啡豆风味配方特点 云南咖啡豆可以用于拼配咖啡豆吗?
意式浓缩咖啡做法 | 制作一杯理想的意式浓缩ESPRESSO咖啡