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品尝术语 Testing Terms 品尝时要区分咖啡的口味、口感、酸味和芳香是否神怡。以下是多数品尝者的判断标准。 While tasting the coffee, you should try to discern whether the flavor, body, acidity and aroma of the coffee is pleasant, or unpleasant.
原文:Robustas Rehab 地址:Robustas Rehab,http://www.coffeegeek.com/opinions/cafestage/02-01-2006。 部分内容: It was hard to miss the 100% Arabica sign at theMolinari Caff booth during the Specialty Coffee Association of Americas (SCAA)
For each designer cup and can, there is an artistic design to be viewed, touched and cradled in the hands. A passion for all things beautiful and well-made, a keen appreciation of modern art and the exceptional quality of its blend inspire
咖啡杯品术语 杯品(杯测)咖啡时,我们要区分咖啡的风味、醇厚度、酸度和湿香气是否宜人。多数杯品师采用以下的标准来评判咖啡。 While tasting the coffee, you should try to discern whether the flavor, body, acidity and aroma of the coffee is pleasa
Overview CQIs Q Coffee System locates specialty coffees at origin and helps to improve those that have the potential to meet specialty standards. The effect is a common language between buyers and sellers that draws attention to more speci
杯测(杯品)咖啡时,我们要区分咖啡的风味、醇厚度、酸度和湿香气是否宜人。多数杯品师采用以下的标准来评判咖啡。 While tasting the coffee, you should try to discern whether the flavor, body, acidity and aroma of the coffee is pleasant, or unplea
(编译:黄伟 转载务必注明出处和原始链接) 先看看什么是咖啡杯测:点击 咖啡杯测 然后,看下面的杯测术语,即杯测咖啡时我们使用的语言: 杯测(杯品)咖啡时,我们要区分咖啡的风味、醇厚度、酸度和湿香气是否宜人。多数杯测(品)师采用以下的标准来评判咖啡。
咖啡杯测,英文叫 coffee cupping,也叫 coffee tasting。通俗的说就是用一种特殊的冲泡方法来品尝咖啡。杯测(杯品)咖啡时,我们要区分咖啡的风味、醇厚度、酸度和湿香气是否宜人。多数杯品师采用以下的标准来评判咖啡。 While tasting the coffee, you should
You should probably be drinking your morning cup of coffee around10 a.m., according to a new video from AsapScience. 科普频道AsapScience近日发布视频声称,早上十点或许是喝咖啡的最佳时间。 We know, we know. If youre an I-need-caffeine-as-soo
Question by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee. I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 15 sec. Could you please expla
关于 espresso 出品标准的讨论 Question by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee. I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 1
c2c coffee cup by saleem khattak from canada designers own words: In a perfect world, we would not generate waste (i.e. landfill) or burn fuel unnecessarily (i.e. shipping), but utilize waste products locally in the perpetual circle of cra
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